Switching to a new grant management system is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning to minimise disruptions to your agency’s or organisation’s operations.

The most opportune time to make the transition is between grant cycles, ideally during the brief period when no grants are open for application and none are in progress.

“Impossible” you say! What if your grant cycle means grants run concurrently, back to back, or over long periods of time? If there is never a complete pause between grants, it can be challenging, but still possible to make the transition to a new grant management system. In this scenario it is most opportune to transition during an identified “quiet” period.

If you are interested in switching to a new Grants Management Software or Grant Management System, you should check out our free to download Grant Management Software Business Case & Project Plan Template and GMS Requirements Gathering Document Template.

Whichever your grant cycle scenario, you can be guided by the below approach to help you transition to a new grant management system.

How to switch to new grant management software during your grant cycle

1. Identify Transition Windows:

  • Look for periods with minimal grant activity or quieter times.
  • Prioritize times after grant cycle closures if available.

2. Phased Approach:

  • Consider transitioning grants in phases or categories.
  • Start with grants in early stages or longer timeframes.

3. Parallel Operations:

  • If required, run both old and new systems concurrently during the transition.
  • For example, the assessment round on a grants program can be run on the old system, while any new application rounds can be completed on the new system.
  • Provides a fallback and minimises disruptions.

4. Communication:

  • Keep stakeholders informed about the transition plan.
  • Address questions and concerns of grant applicants and recipients.

5. Flexible Scheduling:

  • Be adaptable in case of unexpected challenges or delays.

6. Incremental Data Migration:

  • Align on the data migration strategy with your implementation partner. For example, migrate data for each grant or grant program as it progresses.
  • Ensure up-to-date information is added in the new system.

7. Thorough Testing:

  • Test the new system extensively during quieter periods.
  • Identify and address issues before transitioning critical grants.

8. Staff Training:

  • Train staff during targeted phases of the transition.
  • Ensure they are prepared to work with the new system as grants move through.

9. Go Live and Switch Off Old System:

  • After thorough testing and staff training (and you feel confident in the new system), you can officially switch to the new system.
  • Ensure that all ongoing grants are being managed in the new system.
  • Immediately (or gradually, depending on your team’s comfort level!) phase out the old system to complete the transition.

10. Continuous Monitoring and Support:

  • Maintain ongoing support for both systems, especially initially.
  • Quickly address any issues to minimize disruptions.

11. Evaluate and Adjust:

  • Periodically assess progress and be open to plan adjustments.
  • Learn from each phase to improve subsequent transitions.

Walkerscott’s recommendation for switch to a new grant management system in your grant cycle

Leverage a clean break from the old to the new system to ensure that valuable resources and money are not spent on supporting and maintaining both systems at the same time. However, if this is not possible due to how your application and assessment rounds are structured, talk to us about how we can assist.

By following the approach above, tweaked to your team’s unique cycle, you can successfully transition to a new grant management system, whether you have a complete break in grant cycles or you need to work within quieter periods.

About Us

Walkerscott are certified Microsoft Solutions Partners in Australia and New Zealand. We specialise in helping Government and Non-Government Agencies and large Not-for Profit organisations implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 and extension apps that integrate with the D365 platform.

Did you know you could be managing your entire Grant program online on the Microsoft Cloud?

Built on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform, Klevr Grants has been designed to streamline and simplify the way in which your organisation manages and administers grants.

If you would like to find out about our Grants Management app and how it can seamlessly integrate with your Dynamics 365 set up, please contact us today.